The Dunedin Study - DMHDRU

Concept Papers 2021

Author Year Concept paper title PDF
BARRETT-YOUNG, Ashleigh 2021 Associations between retinal nerve fibre layer and ganglion cell layer and cognition from childhood to middle age pdf
BARRETT-YOUNG, Ashleigh 2021 Associations between retinal neuronal and microvascular parameters and brain structural integrity: Is the retina a biomarker of brain health? pdf
BARRETT-YOUNG, Ashleigh 2021 Childhood social isolation as a predictor of retinal nerve fibre layer and ganglion cell layer in middle age pdf
BOURASSA, Kyle 2021 Identifying treatable pediatric health risk factors for accelerated aging pdf
BOURASSA, Kyle 2021 Socioeconomic status and biological age across the lifespan pdf
CHIESA, Scott T. 2021 Association of early-life blood pressure exposures with mid-life brain health pdf
DE BRITO, Stephane 2021 Cortical and subcortical neural correlates of intimate partner violence in a longitudinal birth cohort pdf
DIVINAGRACIA, Janelle 2021 Lung function and cardiovascular disease risk factors at age 45 in the Dunedin Multidisciplinary Health and Development Study pdf
ELLIOTT, Maxwell 2021 Can individual differences in the macroscale organization of cortex be reliably measured and mapped onto cognition and aging? pdf
GEHRED, Maria 2021 Is an unfair start in life, associated with high-need, high-cost health and social outcomes, observable in midlife structural brain integrity? pdf
HAPPE, Francesca 2021

Autistic traits and health, mediated by loneliness, sleep quality, and mental health? A Dunedin study.

KHALIFEH, Lara &  RICHMOND-RAKERD, Leah 2021 Midlife-onset alcohol dependence: Testing early-life predictors and adult correlates in a five-decade longitudinal cohort study pdf
LANGEVIN, Stephanie 2021  Life-course persistent antisocial behaviors and accelerated aging in a longitudinal birth cohort pdf
LAY-YEE, Roy 2021 Social isolation from childhood to mid-adulthood: Mental and physical health outcomes pdf
LEE, Sung Kyong 2021 Intergenerational impact of childhood self-control: Poor childhood self-control of parents, and poor health behaviours of their adolescent children - are they associated? pdf
LEUNG, Joan 2021 Investigating the long-term association between oral health and middle ear health, and outcomes on hearing pdf
PAT, Narun 2021 Multimodal brain-based predictive model for cognitive changes in middle-aged adults pdf
RASMUSSEN, Line Jee Hartmann  2021 suPAR and mental health pdf
REUBEN, Aaron 2021 ADRD Risk index in midlife pdf
THEADOM, Alice 2021

Does mild TBI affect neuropsychological functioning in mid-adulthood?

THOMSON, W.M. 2021 Consolidating the pharmaceutical persona: the emergence of polypharmacy by midlife pdf
VELTMAN, Emma 2021 Quantifying Triarchic Model Traits in the Dunedin Multidisciplinary Health and Development Study Using the Multidimensional Personality Questionnaire. pdf