The Dunedin Study - DMHDRU


Please click on the question. If you need further information please contact us at .

When is the next assessment?

We are currently in the middle of assessment phase 52 which will continue until April 2026

Please email us to let us know if you have changed address or contact details at

How can I view the Dunedin Study documentaries

The full Series "Why am I? The Science of Us" (2016) is available to view free in New Zealand on NZ On Screen. This series is also available internationally via &

The one-off Documentary "Predict My Future" (2024) Is available free in New Zealand on TVNZ+

How can I help support the Dunedin Study's research and make a charitable donation ?

Please contact the Dunedin Study directly at and we will guide you through the process.

How can I find a publication from the Dunedin Study?

The study has produced over 1400 publications. Our journal articles can be found on our Publications page. Publications can be searched by category, Author, keyword, and/or year.

If you cannot find the publication you are looking for please contact us at .

Can I access the data from the Dunedin Study?

Dunedin Study data are not in the public domain. To find out more go to our Policy Statement & Code of Practice for Dunedin Study Investigators page which can be accessed through our For Researchers section.

What data has been collected by the Dunedin Study?

The Dunedin Study has collected vast amounts of data over its many years. The types of data collected are listed for each Phase in our Data Directories which can be accessed on our For Researchers section.

How can I join the Dunedin Study research team?

To find out more go to our Policy Statement & Code of Practice for Dunedin Study Investigators page which can be accessed through our For Researchers section.

What topics are being researched by the Dunedin Study ?

Concept papers for Phase 45 are listed on our concept paper pages which can be accessed through our For Researchers section.