The Dunedin Study - DMHDRU


Family Health History Study

The Family Health History Study began in 2003 and completed in January 2006, more than 1900 interviews later and with over 90% of Dunedin Multidisciplinary Health and Development Study members’ parents (and some aunts and uncles) being interviewed. The purpose of this study was to find out about the health of the family members of the Dunedin Study members. The Research Leader of this Study was Professor Terrie Moffitt .

Parenting Study

Professor Jay Belsky began the Parenting Study in 1994 .This study focuses on members of the Dunedin Study and their first-born 3-year-old children. The aim is to identify the social and family determinants of parenting style, and to study continuities and discontinuities in parenting from the parenting experienced by the Study members themselves. Data Collection for this Study is currently being limited to local Dunedin Study members with pre-schoolers while we await the results of funding applications to continue the Study.

Next Generation Study

The purpose of the Next Generation Study is to look at the lifestyles, behaviours, attitudes and health of today's teenagers, and see how it has changed from when our original Study Members were 15 (in 1987-88).