Emeritus Distinguished Professor Richie Poulton
Monday 2nd October 2023

Tēnā koutou/Hello to you all,
We write with very sad news. Richie Poulton, our much loved, recently retired Director, passed away on Friday 29th of September 2023.
Everyone had hoped for a longer retirement for Richie, but that was not to be. He started this year with a bucket list journey to Antarctica, which he described as magnificent. He just recently returned from Africa to be part of the nature there that he so loved. This trip included a hot air balloon ride, which is incredible considering that he was ill at the time. But that was Richie’s character - to seek out experiences and connections with the world until the last.
We know that he will be missed by, the Study members, and the team here that has worked with him – in some cases for decades. And missed as well as by those he has worked with in government, charity organisations, and in the community.
But most of all, of course, he will be missed by wife Sandhya, who is also our Research Manager, his daughter Priyanka, and his wider family. Together they have been working so hard to ensure that Richie was able to live his very best life as he endured this disease.
Richie was dedicated to the Dunedin Study and to using the gift that the Study members gave for the betterment of all New Zealanders.
Kua hinga te tōtara i Te Waonui-a-Tāne - A mighty totara has fallen in the great forest of Tāne.
The Dunedin Study Team