The Dunedin Study - DMHDRU

Recording of panel discussion : Cannabis use and the NZ referendum 2020

Thursday 18th June 2020

Recording of panel discussion : Cannabis use and the NZ referendum 2020

Thu 18 June, Auckland Museum Auditorium
The recording of this important discussion is available on YouTube:

The public moderated panel discussion on cannabis use is to raise the debate and inform voters in the NZ referendum 2020 with evidence based Dunedin and Christchurch longitudinal study. The directors of the two studies and the NCLR, Professors Richie Poulton, Joseph Boden and Dr Moana Theodore will discuss key findings from the studies. In sharing these study findings they hope to support an evidence-informed approach when New Zealanders enter the voting booth in 2020.

For more information on the consequences of using cannabis go to

This is based on the recent Royal Society of New Zealand paper which uses evidence from the Dunedin Study and the Christchurch Study,  Patterns of recreational cannabis use in Aotearoa-New Zealand and their consequences: evidence to inform voters in the 2020 referendum.

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